Greetings! We believe it is important to explain where we are in our "Even More Than We Can Imagine" Giving Campaign and share some details about our needs moving forward. On the morning of November 3rd, we gave a Midway Report on the progress of this campaign. If you missed it, you can watch the video here or read the official Midway Report here. (If you'd like to pick up a hard copy, you can find one on the Information Table in the lobby.)

We also want to give individuals and families the opportunity to either pledge for the first time or update a current pledge. Sunday, November 17th, 2024 was designated as Midway Pledge Sunday and as a result, we received more pledges and gifts. (Thank you to all who gave generously!) But Midway Pledge Sunday was not the only day to get involved. Keep reading about God's faithfulness through this campaign and find out how you can begin or continue your participation! 

This campaign's focus is on the completion of our lobby renovation project. A year ago, we didn't have a lobby area. Back then, in an effort to cast vision for this major initiative, we had to rely on our graphic designer and architect to come up with drawings to help us imagine what the space would look like. We no longer have to imagine what the space will look like because the construction is complete! Many of you have enjoyed the new lobby, restrooms, and other updates we’ve made to our building. In short, we did what we set out to do! All of this has been made possible because of generous donations to our "Even More Than We Can Imagine" Giving Campaign.

Again, if you haven't read the official Midway Report, we encourage you to do so here. 

Here are the details by the numbers:

The total campaign goal is $240,000. As of 2.28.25, $124,263 has been pledged and we have received $98,255 ($28,008 in unreceived pledges). In total contributions, we have received $136,600. 

We're really grateful for these generous donations! We’re also aware that we have work to do. We are currently one year away and $75,400 short of our campaign goal.

So what does this mean? We are still able to pay our bills and we are in a solid financial position. But if we don’t make up the shortfall of our campaign goal, we will need to use our savings to pay for the costs of this lobby renovation. We have planned for this potential. Our lobby space was prioritized and we knew this might be the case.

However, there can be another option - we could hit our campaign goal - and that would be the ideal outcome in this scenario!

If you have already pledged and are paying on your pledge, great! Keep it up. Your steady faithfulness is vital to this process. If you have already pledged and you need to adjust your pledge, we encourage you to do so. Life may have changed for you. You may have gotten a financial bump, a promotion at work, or won the lottery. Or circumstances may have changed and you can no longer fulfill your pledge. We understand and we ask that you update your pledge so we can appropriately plan and budget for this upcoming year and beyond. Please complete the online Pledge Card or if you'd like to pick up a hard copy, you can find one on the Information Table in the lobby.

We also know there are those who have never pledged to this campaign. We want to invite you into this opportunity! We have detailed information in the initial Campaign Booklets describing the entire process, what we're doing with your gifts, and how we are partnering with God in what He is doing at the South Suburban Vineyard Church. If you'd like to pick up a hard copy, you can find one on the Information Table in the lobby.

As we budget for the upcoming year, we'll do so with these pledge promises which we know are in addition to your regular tithes and offerings. We have a few potential ways we can cover the shortfall of this campaign.

  • If 10 new givers give $10,000 to this campaign over the next year, we would reach our goal. 
  • If 20 new families give $5,000 and our current pledges come through, we can accomplish this goal. 
  • If 50 new givers give about $150 per month to this campaign, we can accomplish our goal. 
  • If one person gives $100,000, that would be really great!

We believe God does something in us when we give to His Kingdom causes. If you are a part of this church family, we want to encourage you to join us in this worthwhile effort.

We also want to use this opportunity to highlight our church's value of financial transparency. If you call this church home and if you participate as an active giver to SSV, you will receive our annual Income and Expense Statement. We provide this in January every year. You will also receive a record of your tax-deductible gifts. If you have any questions about our budget and how we use your hard-earned dollars and contributions to this house, we welcome your questions. As a family, we believe it's important to be transparent about finances.

So, we're asking everyone to prayerfully consider what the Lord is calling you to sow toward this campaign. Maybe you’ll make adjustments to your pledge as necessary. Maybe you’ll start a new pledge if you haven't yet joined us. Either way, you can fill out the online Pledge Card.  If you choose to complete a physical Pledge Card, you can place it in the offering basket as it comes down your row during a worship service or in the Giving Station located at the back of the auditorium. If you're ready to make your pledge or give now, feel free to do so online. 

We're also asking everyone to join us in prayer as we navigate the final year of this campaign. We're trusting God to continue to do Even More Than We Can Imagine

Geno & Shannon Olison
Lead Pastors




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