We encourage you to participate in our 30-Day Fast & Challenge from Thursday, February 29th - Friday, March 29th! This will be a powerful time of renewal and reset. We'll have an opportunity to not only draw near to God, but also the SSV community.
You are also welcome to join us in a 30-day Bible reading plan. You can experience God’s story unfold from Genesis to Jesus to Revelation in just 30 days! This plan is accessible on the YouVersion Bible App under the title “30 Day Bible Challenge” or you can follow along using our provided reading schedule below.
To see a complete list of opportunities for connection and community, click here.
Day 1: Creation and The Fall
Genesis 1:1-31
Genesis 2:1-25
Genesis 3:1-24
Day 2: Noah and The Flood
Genesis 6: 9-22
Genesis 7:1-24
Genesis 8: 1-22
Genesis 9:1-17
Day 3: The Call of Abraham, Jacob, and Esau
Genesis 12:1-9
Genesis 25:19-34
Genesis 27:1-46
Genesis 32:22-31
Day 4: Moses, The Burning Bush, The 10 Commandments, and The Shema
Exodus 1:8-22
Exodus 2:1-10
Exodus 3:1-12
Deuteronomy 5:1-33
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Day 5: The Promised Land, 12 Stones, and The Fall of Jericho
Joshua 3
Joshua 4:1-7
Joshua 5:13-15
Joshua 6
Day 6: Deborah Leads and Gideon Fights
Judges 4
Judges 5
Judges 6
Judges 7
Day 7: Israel Asks, God Choses David, David & Goliath, David is King, and David & Bathsheba
1 Samual 8
1 Samual 16:1-13
1 Samuel 17
2 Samuel 5:1-12
2 Samuel 11
Day 8: Elijah and The Baalan Prophets, Elijah Hides and Hears, and Elijah and His Ride
1 Kings 18:16-46
1 Kings 19
2 Kings 2-15
Day 9: Praise, Lament, Faith, and Celebration
Psalm 8
Psalm 13
Psalm 23
Psalm 139
Day 10: The Suffering Servant and The Prophet Isaiah Points to Jesus
Isaiah 6:1-8
Isaiah 7:10-17
Isaiah 52:13-15
Isaiah 53: 1-12
Day 11: The Call of Jeremiah and the New Covenant
Jeremiah 1:4-19
Jeremiah 31:31-40
Day 12: The Valley of Dry Bones
Ezekiel 1
Ezekiel 36:26-38
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Day 13: The Life of Daniel
Daniel 3
Daniel 6
Daniel 7
Day 14: The Word is with Us
Luke 1:26-80
Luke 2:1-20
Matthew 2:1-12
Day 15: Jesus is Baptized and Tempted, and The Disciples are Called
Matthew 3
Mark 1:12-20
Day 16: Miracles
John 2: 1-11
Matthew 8:23-27
Matthew 14: 1-12
John 6:1-15
Day 17: Jesus Heals
Mark 2:1-11
Mark 5:21-43
John 9
John 11:1-44
Day 18: Jesus Teaches
Matthew 5
Matthew 6
Matthew 7
Day 19: God of Grace
Luke 10:25-37
Luke 16:19-31
John 4
Day 20: Jesus with The People
Luke 9:28-36
Luke 10:38-42
John 12:1-8
Day 21: Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
John 18: 1-13
Mark 15:20-41
Matthew 28
Day 22: The Gospel Spreads
Acts 1:4-11
Acts 6:8-15
Acts 7:1
Acts 9:1-19
Day 23: Facing Hardship
Acts 12:1-17
Acts 16:16-40
Acts 27
Acts 28:1-15
Day 24: Salvation
Romans 6
Romans 8
Romans 11:33-36
Romans 12
Day 25: Being the Church
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
1 Corinthians 13
2 Corinthians 5:14-18
Day 26: Live by Faith
Galatians 6:1-10
Ephesians 2:1-10
Ephesians 4:1-7
Ephesians 6:10-19
Day 27: Tracing it Back
Hebrews 8
Hebrews 9
Hebrews 11
Day 28: Faith is Alive
James 1:19-27
James 2: 14-26
1 Peter 1:13-25
Day 29: Living It Out
Philippians 1:1-6
Philippians 4
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
1 John 4
1 John 5:1-5
3 John 1:5-12
Day 30: New Hope and a New Heaven
Revelation 4
Revelation 5
Revelation 12: 7-17
Revelation 20
Revelation 22